Why we need to Create Botswana's own Silicon Valley!

It stills saddens me to see an abundance of Developers, Techies & IT Enthusiasts sitting at home doing nothing, while we could actually create a Platform with all the necessary resources (High Speed internet , Electronics, Gadgets & the like) for em to explore their curiosity, creating jobs for our very own Batswana, changing the world at the same time. Entrepreneurship & Innovation are the in-thang at this time & Age & its high time Entrepreneurs & Innovators are really appreciated in our country.

The Following are My Top 3 reasons why i think we need to seriously spark the Creative Industry in #BW; instead of focusing on problems, i will Focus on solutions:

1. Creative Environment: 

Before anything else, we first need to set up a Creative environment for our own App Developers, Web Designers/Developers, Graphic Designers, Hackers, Electronic Geeks etc...an environment that sparks the flow of their creative juices, High Speed internet for em to browse the net Faster & even download any resources they may need to finish their Projects in a jiffy! They should really feel Good about themselves and their skills whenever they get into this environment. We should feel free to bring our own kids along as well; they should be coding & developing cool stuff by the ages of 6-7 years.

2. Entrepreneurship & Innovation: 

This environment itself will spark new ideas & new possibilities. The Graphic designers will take care of the interface part of that website or App...the Developers will then work on the back-end or the functionality of the Website/App. Once its done, it will then be passed on to the Hackers or Cybersecurity Specialists to test the security of the App especially if its an App that's gonna contain critical data (credit cards etc).

Once the App is complete, Business Experts should then advise the Innovators or Developers on how they can monetize that App. Most Developers are only stuck in the Development Phase, they get excited about developing Cool stuff but they don't know how to monetize their Creations. They shouldn't worry much about this coz Business advisers will be there to help!

3. International Market: 

Once the App meets an International Standard, Business Experts should now find potential markets globally & seek ways in which this App could be sold Globally, not just in Botswana. Yes! selling it through Google Play Store, windows Store or iTunes Store is one way to do it, but more should be done to tap into the international market & make a killing!


The idea of creating Botswana's own Silicon Valley is meant to encourage not only #Entrepreneurship & #Innovation but most importantly #Collaboration...working together towards a common Goal, achieving Great things together, attracting investments from Global Companies to #BW as well.

I am calling on all Creative Mindz out there to join us on this quest! Feel free to contact me!

I cant do it alone! We can it together! Lets leave dent on Planet earth Folks!

Email: dunfamline@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +267 76459160