Branding VS Religion

Try saying anything negative about a True Believer's Religion & you are in for a Big fight! The Truth is, people will do whatever it takes to protect/defend what they Believe in, whether its True or not. Its that simple!


When it comes to Business Success, we can really learn a lot from religion. What churches do is simply instill a Belief System in an individual, once that is done, everything will simply run on "Autopilot"...whatever the church asks for, members of the church (True Believers) will do whatever it takes to contribute whatever they have to get it done (e.g money, assets, more people etc). They will even invite more people to join the church, assuring them on how this church will change their lives. Eventually, we now have an army that will defend the church in whatever way possible! 

Now i am not trying to spark a heated argument on religion here & I am not saying you should stop believing in God; but i just want us to learn something here...something which we can apply in our companies. Lets take Apple for instance; try saying anything negative about Apple or an Apple product, to an "Apple-Addict" (Fan) & then see what happens...he or she will try by all means to justify how Great Apple products are. This Loyal Fan will go to the extent of buying almost all Apple products coz he believes in them (Quality, Class etc)...even if Apple happens to release a poor product (of which i don't think so---Yes i am Apple Addict as customer will still buy it anyway! Catch my Drift?! In business, this is what we call...Brand Loyalty! 

Final Words

Well the point i am trying to drive across here is, if you are gonna Brand your company / it in a way that it creates a Strong Belief System in your customers, become a Thought Leader in your area of other words...become a GOD in what you specialize in...and people will Follow you, they will worship you! Eventually you will now have True Believers a.k.a "Loyal customers". 

You are done with your part now....everything else will simply run on 'Auto-Pilot' from there....Your Loyal customers will invite more people to join your Religion & your become even more Successful.

In God we Business we Pay!


Unknown said...

very true and inspirational...bigup sensei...

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