Let's raise our Kids to be Entrepreneurs!

It seems our society here in Botswana is geared towards going to school, getting good grades & getting a good job! How about Entrepreneurship? Nowhere in our school curriculum do you find anything on Entrepreneurship! This poses a serious danger to our society because what we only learn at school is Dependency, getting good grades & relying on somebody else to give us a job, instead of creating the jobs Ourselves!

Our kids show signs of Entrepreneurship at an early age, yet we ignore all these signs & force them to fit to our society. Get Good Grades & Get a Good Job! 

That was Great back then, but not now! Things have changed, we now have an abundance of highly qualified graduates roaming around the streets, sitting on their Talents, not having any idea of what to do with their lives because there are no jobs available anymore!

Employees VS Entrepreneurs

Its high time we teach our kids to become Entrepreneurs, so they become independent, creating jobs using all these skills they have acquired in school. Instead of waiting for someone else to give them a job, they should be thinking about how they can sell their own skills & knowledge, starting their own businesses or even selling their own skills online

We cannot all become Employees & at the same time, we cannot all become Entrepreneurs! If we all become Entrepreneurs, who is going to buy our products/services? if we all become Employees, who is going to create more jobs? This is a system that is more like a See-Sawit has to be balanced for a country to create a sustainable economy!

The benefits of the Digital Age

We are already living in the Digital Age, anything we want to learn is already there on the internet. All we need to do is learn how to search the internet, Master the Art of narrowing down our searches to exactly what we want. Anything is possible nowadays, whatever you want to learn, there is a video tutorial of it somewhere on YouTube, there is even  a course/tutorial on it on Udemy etc. Kids are curious little beings, lets teach them how to search the internet so they can explore their own curiosity quite easily, that way we will be able to pinpoint their interests, determine if they wanna be Entrepreneurs or not & channel them to the right path in line with their Passion. Lets introduce technology & innovation in primary schools, nourish them to become who they truly want to be when they grow up!

With Technology in place, the possibilities are endless!

The World has changed, so should we.


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